Join this once in a lifetime opportunity to Decarbonize the world, through an ambitious partnership with Mitsubishi Corporation and NYK Line.

About Startupbootcamp
Join us in helping decarbonize the world!
Startupbootcamp is extremely excited to be partnering with Mitsubishi Corporation and NYK Line to solve the world’s biggest climate and energy challenges.
As a partnership we share a passion and vision for the future, a future that collectively we describe as Decarbonize. This is a unique opportunity to reimagine and accelerate clean energy transition and sustainability through a structured startup engagement process.
If you have a concept that challenges the status quo, passionate about your innovation/technology, looking to scale, raise capital and or needing to partner with corporates to build, test and validate your hypothesis then this program is for you.
In addition we will connect you with mentors, industry leaders and investors. We will build your capability to pitch yourself and your business to the market well beyond the program.
This will be a transformational journey, achieving in 3 months what otherwise would take a startup 18 months.
Aligned with your aspirations then talk to us today.
Meet our Program Alumni
Meet some of the startups who participated in the program.
Program Themes
Is your startup suitable for our program?
If your startup impacts these themes, opportunities and challenges we'd love to speak to you.
Clean Hydrogen
- Different methods of clean hydrogen production and solutions to address the challenges of hydrogen storage and transportation.
Future Energy
- Next generation fuels, fuel transportation and energy storage that have less or no carbon footprint to make industries, such as transportation (particularly aviation and shipping) cleaner.
Carbon Capture
- Different methods for capturing CO2 from the atmosphere, processing natural gas and waste gas streams, and converting them into either valuable materials or stable forms of storage.
Repurpose Supply Chain
- Leveraging current infrastructure (LNG vessels and municipal gas pipelines) to transport low emission fuels such as bio-methane and hydrogen. Improve pipeline integrity through leak detection.
Digital & Visual Technologies
- Digital and visual technologies is a horizontal across all themes that uses satellite imagery, IoT sensors and other data to provide visualisation and insights. Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) and relevant B2B applications, including for Nature-Based and supply chain.
Access to Carbon Offsets
- B2B technologies that raise awareness and access to carbon offset opportunities and facilitate behaviour change.
Nature-Based Solutions
- Sustainably harvesting raw materials and high value products from the environment to replace products traditionally-derived from fossil fuels.
Waste Optimisation
- Upcycling and recycling waste products to prevent the release of GHG emissions and/or converting products to create value or displace fossil fuel usage.
Read our Energy Transition Blog Posts
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Meet our partners
Backed by industry-leading companies
Mitsubishi Corporation
Mitsubishi Corporation (MC) is a global integrated business enterprise that develops and operates businesses together with its offices and subsidiaries in approximately 90 countries and regions worldwide, as well as a global network of around 1,700 group companies.
MC has 10 Business Groups that operate across virtually every industry: Natural Gas, Industrial Materials, Petroleum & Chemicals Solution, Mineral Resources, Industrial Infrastructure, Automotive & Mobility, Food Industry, Consumer Industry, Power Solution and Urban Development. Through these 10 Business Groups, MC’s current activities have expanded far beyond its traditional trading operations to include project development, production and manufacturing operations, working in collaboration with our trusted partners around the globe.
With an unwavering commitment to conducting business with integrity and fairness, MC remains fully dedicated to growing its businesses while contributing to a prosperous society.
Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha
Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha (NYK) was founded in 1885 and is one of the world's leading transportation companies. At the end of March 2021, the NYK Group was operating 826 major ocean vessels, as well as fleets of planes and trucks. The NYK Group is based in Tokyo, employs about 35,000 people worldwide, and has regional headquarters in London, New York / New Jersey, Singapore, and Shanghai.
On March 24 2022, NYK announced the NYK Group ESG Story 2022, which aims to further integrate ESG into the company’s management strategy. In order to continue to be a corporate group that remains essential to society and industry, the NYK Group aims to be a sustainable solution provider that creates new value while maximizing profits and achieving social and environmental sustainability from a long-term perspective.