How Using Intelligent Technology Can Predict Disasters and Protect the Oceans - MiqroTech

Kayla Dreuth
Published on

After a global search of the best in class startups, and visits to Austin, Texas and London, England, the top 9 startups solving climate challenges were chosen for the program. Now as the 12 week program comes to an end, they are beginning to gear up for the next step on their journey- the United by Net Zero 2022 Demo Day is on in Japan in just 2 weeks!
One of our stellar companies in the Decarbonize program is MiqroTech, founded by Meade Lewis. Meade is the CEO, and chairman of the board and on a mission to create change. Using his professional experience from the oil and gas industry, with his knowledge in analytics, Meade has found a need in how to solve the bigger issue - oil and gas leaks and risks.
Right now, there are about 90 billion dollars in revenue that are getting lost due to pipeline leaks. These leaks are creating huge financial problems, millions of dollars for many companies across the world. Adding in litigation, PR damage, and cleanup fines, this 90 billion dollar figure can be up to a 300 billion dollar loss when you add everything up!
Not only are oil leaks a financial burden but also extremely harmful for the environment. To give you an idea, any oil released contaminates our water for around 30 - 1,000 years! This issue will continue to have a negative impact on the environment and on our people, unless someone steps in to stop it. Meade saw that this need for innovation was crucial, so he got inspired to connect his passions to his business.
With MiqroTech’s technology, they are using artificial intelligence to analyse pipe data and predict leaks before they happen.
Mitsubishi Corporation, NYK Line, and Startupbootcamp have all held in depth discussions with MiqroTech on how to help them take their plans to the next level. Hoping to work with deep, well-networked corporate partners, MiqroTech is reaching their potential and making big changes in the oil and gas industry.
To see Meade pitch at Demo Day register here: