Startup Profile

The problem we're solving
70% of the African population made up of small-scale farmers are unbanked, have limited access to formal financial services leading to poverty. Due to lack of digital footprint, best practices, financial history, fragmented value chains, farmers are not able to access credit, savings, insurance, micro-investments, government subsidies, donor funds, markets, real time industry information and the best farm supplies
Our solution
An inclusive platform dedicated to the entire African Agricultural industry that offers financial services and innovative technologies in an accessible, easy to navigate, transparent, accountable and affordable manner.
Our differentiator
Inclusive platform aggregating all the services needed by farmers Offering financial services, inputs & supplies market place, market linkages, traceability, accountability, monitoring and analytics. Pesira is derisking agricultural finance and offering a super app for all financial players to deliver their products.
Biggest achievement
Signed partnership and already offering financial service's to the market with: Three (3) insurance providers Five (5) financial product providers and Two (2) Logistics and transport providers, 20 agribusinesses and 1000 users on the platform. Signed partnership to onboard 300,000 user on platfrom. International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) & EU termed us as the "Mpesa" for Agriculture finance.