Mentor Profile

About Linas
Living in Sydney since December of 2019 after 20 years being a resident in the UK and the USA.
Was participant in FT19 cohort through my (now defunct) company, InfoVera so I have first hand experience in the SBC process, people and potential.
I'm an investor in Australian businesses plus serving on a few boards and a little mentoring, so not really an operational business owner any more.
My focus is sourcing opportunities in Australia where an owner/s and the management team have an interest in selling/transitioning the business via an MBO. I invest time and money plus attracting outside capital (if needed) and in EVERY case, the outcome is the management team owning a significant or majority shareholding and running the business.
Not always 'baby boomer' owned, but I am one of those, so many of my clients are as well.