Startup Profile

Terra Grow

Sydney, Australia

Terragrow is committed to providing home growers with innovative solutions that optimize efficiency, productivity, and sustainability.

Team members:

Rhamir Marvin Recto


    Brendan O'Keeffe


      Connecting humanity with agriculture through the use of sustainable agriculture by using the Food Replicator to produce and harvest food with efficiency regardless of weather, space or other agricultural constraints.

      The problem we're solving

      Traditional farming faces unpredictable weather, soil depletion, and limited space. The AgriTech industry is experiencing significant trends and developments reshaping how agriculture is practised. These trends are driven by technological advancements, evolving consumer demands, environmental concerns, and the need for increased efficiency and sustainability.

      Our solution

      Food Replicator is a powerful and space-efficient hydroponic solution designed to revolutionize how we grow food at home. Year-round Cultivation: Eliminate weather dependency. Space Optimization: Grow more with less space. Resource Efficiency: Reduce water usage by up to 90%. Precision Farming: Select a plant type you want via the app, put the seeds, and wait for harvest. The system will take care of the rest.

      Our differentiator

      We believe in empowering individuals to grow their crops regardless of their gardening experience. FoodReplicator is a powerful and space-efficient hydroponic solution designed to revolutionize home food growing. Our Kit is the largest and most productive in the price bracket below $1k. It can deliver 8kg of lettuce, 3kg of tomatoes, 6kg of strawberries and 1 kg of onions per crop, and medicinal plants over 10kg anywhere in the world.

      Biggest achievement

      We sold 100 units and developed the fleet food replicator.

      Tasmanian Government
      Meat & Livestock Australia
      Hort Innovation
      Norske Skog
      Du Cane Brewery
      Watch Me Think
      Amazon Web Services
      KHQ Lawyers
      Pitcher Partners