Startup Profile

Greentech Innovators

Bergen, Norway

Turning food waste into valuable nutrients for a sustainable future.

Team members:

Svetlana Lyngstad

Project Manager Administration&Sustainability

Sigita Matuleciviute

Marketing Manager

Antonio Pagarete

R&D Manager

Ingmar Hogoy


Neda Rahmanian

QA and Laboratory manager

The problem we're solving

Problem nr. 1. Food waste is a global environmental problem responsible for 9% of CO2 emission and 11 % of Methane emission from landfills, a 70 times stronger greenhouse gas than CO2. We are wasting one third of the food we produce with a total of 2.5 billion tons annually. Problem nr 2. There is a global demand for healthy omega-3 oils and protein. Fish oil is the dominating source of omega-3 oils and the production can not increase as fish stocks are over fished.

Our solution

We are using Biotechnology to convert food waste to growth media for fermentation. This in turn may be used for production of micro algae high in omega-3 oils and protein to be used as aquaculture feed. We are extracting the nutrient in the food waste to a liquid excellent for different fermentation processes.

Our differentiator

There are four traditional ways of processing food waste: 1. Landfills are producing Methane to the atmosphere, a very potent Greenhouse gas 2. Incineration returns all the CO2 back to the atmosphere without producing energy. 3. Composting is emitting CO2 in the process and producing soil. 4. Biogas is producing Methane to produce energy. Our solution is utilizing carbohydrates for fermentation and in next step production of healthy and high quality omega-3 as feed.

Biggest achievement

Pilot production of growth media and documentation to be an excellent carbon source for several fermentation processes like mycileum and micro algae to substitute sugar as carbon source.

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