Startup Profile


Lincoln, United States

Combines sustainably produced and ethically sourced African superfruit baobab with natural, nutrient-dense ingredients to make healthy functional beverages

Team members:

Jeff Tezak

CEO and Co-founder

The Problem

There is a lack of nutrient dense, low calorie, great tasting drinks in the market. Most are either high in sugar, low in nutrient, low in calories but use caffeine and all lack fiber.

The Solution

Nutrient dense, low calorie, drinks using the power of the baobab fruit which helps with blood glucose, satiation and hydration. Drinks that contain natural fiber as well as whole fruit.

The Differentiator

Using Baobab Fruit in all our products.

The problem we're solving

There is a lack of nutrient dense, low calorie, great tasting drinks in the market. Most are either high in sugar, low in nutrient, low in calories but use caffeine and all lack fiber.

Our solution

Nutrient dense, low calorie, drinks using the power of the baobab fruit which helps with blood glucose, satiation and hydration. Drinks that contain natural fiber as well as whole fruit.

Our differentiator

Using Baobab Fruit in all our products.

Biggest achievement

Raised $480k in April 2023. Selling in over 100 stores nationally.

Tasmanian Government
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Amazon Web Services
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