Startup Profile

Paradigm X

San Jose, CA, United States

Instant Freezing. On Demand. Without Refrigeration.

Team members:

Shaun Page


    The problem we're solving

    THE BIG PROBLEM: Ice crystallization. Minimizing ice crystal damage to food, cells and biomaterials during freezing is the #1 challenge faced by food science and biotech engineers. Modern freezing technologies fall short of solving the problem, with workaround solutions creating significant challenges in healthcare and food supply. OF CRITICAL IMPORTANCE: inefficient freezing is responsible for 30% of global CO2e emissions.

    Our solution

    Instant freezing, on demand, without refrigeration. Freezing liquids instantly minimizes ice crystallization. In other words, there's no time for harmful ice crystals to form, thus preserving the integrity of biological material. This is achieved by combining the to-be-frozen liquid with supercritical CO2 and subjecting it to a Joules-Thomson process where rapid depressurization results in instantaneous heat exchange (freezing). Like a snow machine, but far more efficient.

    Our differentiator

    Nobody has solved this problem (yet). We will seek to file draft patents immediately upon adequate funding.

    Biggest achievement


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