TotalCtrl is revolutionizing the food industry by eliminating food waste and increasing food traceability.

Company Details

Oslo, Norway
USD $501K-$1M
Not Fundraising

Management Team

Charlotte Aschim avatar

Charlotte Aschim


Sahil Wadhawan avatar

Sahil Wadhawan


Ingrid Østby avatar

Ingrid Østby


Ricardo Monagas   avatar

Ricardo Monagas


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The problem we're solving

1/3 all of all food we produce and costing the world 1,2 trillon euro annually. The problem is so big that the EU is committed to achieving UN Sustainable Development Goal 12.3 to halve food waste by 2030. In order to achieve this, the industry must innovate. Food waste is a systemic problem. Food is wasted due to lack of control over inventory, data insights, expired products, and manual work.
An example is a restaurant with a turnover of 2 million euros, which wastes 20-30% of purchased food before it reaches the guest and where the chef spends 840-1200 hours on manual control of the inventory annually.

Our solution

Imagine sitting in a restaurant and scanning a code and being able to see where the food is produced and has traveled , while at the same time being offered local experiences. Or as a business owner to be able to track your food from farm to fork. Ensuring food traceability, control over distribution, elimination of food waste and optimized operation. Simply put, TotalCtrl is an all-in-one system that replaces the use of pen and paper, and makes it easy to manage food data. It helps businesses optimize through inventory control and traceability.

Our differentiator

What sets TotalCtrl apart from the competition is the proven results, easy to use technology, the company's ecosystem and position as a thought leader.

After only using the solution for 1 month, customers have seen a 35,4% reduction in food waste and a 60% reduction in time and costs.
Our technology is built together with our customer and built API first allowing for easy third-party integrations. To ensure traceabilty from farm to fork we are using blockchain technology. It is easy to use and provide data insight needed to comply with laws and regulations such as food waste laws, EU taxonomy, transparency act, ESG reporting and monthly accounting.

Biggest achievement

TotalCtrl is a certified B corporation, has recieved 38 awards (most resent; Top Food waste prevention company in the world) and work with players such as Atea, SAP, Millum, Lightspeed, Mastercard, Halden kommune, Nordic Choice Hotels, Bergstadens Hotel ++. This also makes us an attractive employer for tech resources, partners, resellers, senior staff etc.

The problem we're solving

1/3 all of all food we produce and costing the world 1,2 trillon euro annually. The problem is so big that the EU is committed to achieving UN Sustainable Development Goal 12.3 to halve food waste by 2030. In order to achieve this, the industry must innovate. Food waste is a systemic problem. Food is wasted due to lack of control over inventory, data insights, expired products, and manual work. An example is a restaurant with a turnover of 2 million euros, which wastes 20-30% of purchased food before it reaches the guest and where the chef spends 840-1200 hours on manual control of the inventory annually.

Our solution

Imagine sitting in a restaurant and scanning a code and being able to see where the food is produced and has traveled , while at the same time being offered local experiences. Or as a business owner to be able to track your food from farm to fork. Ensuring food traceability, control over distribution, elimination of food waste and optimized operation. Simply put, TotalCtrl is an all-in-one system that replaces the use of pen and paper, and makes it easy to manage food data. It helps businesses optimize through inventory control and traceability.

Our differentiator

What sets TotalCtrl apart from the competition is the proven results, easy to use technology, the company's ecosystem and position as a thought leader. After only using the solution for 1 month, customers have seen a 35,4% reduction in food waste and a 60% reduction in time and costs. Their technology is built together with our customer and built API first allowing for easy third-party integrations. To ensure traceabilty from farm to fork we are using blockchain technology. It is easy to use and provide data insight needed to comply with laws and regulations such as food waste laws, EU taxonomy, transparency act, ESG reporting and monthly accounting.

Biggest achievement

TotalCtrl is a certified B corporation and has customers Throughout the company’s lifetime, TotalCtrl has received 27 awards for impact and proven customer value. Most recently the company was named one of the Top 10 Food and Beverages Tech Solution Providers in Europe 2020 by Food and Beverages Tech Review Magazine, awarded the 2020 Impact Award for ClimateLaunchpad’s best-performing alumni by ClimateLaunchpad, nominated as a startup of the year for Norway and one of the Top 5 Food Waste Management Solutions Impacting Smart Cities.