WINIM, The Startup Bringing Visibility to Food Waste in Grocery Stores & Supermarkets

Kayla Dreuth

Greta Zanetti
Published on

Every year, a third of all the food produced goes to waste, even though it's perfectly good to eat. This not only harms the environment by producing harmful gases, but also wastes land, water, and energy used in food production.
At the same time, a shocking one-third of the world's population doesn't have enough to eat. This is a problem that WINIM, FoodTech Tasmania 2023 startup, couldn't ignore, and it has inspired them to find a solution.
Transforming Retail Dynamics
About 10% of this food waste takes place within supermarkets and grocery stores. The issue lies in a challenging balancing act these retailers must perform.
On one hand, they must ensure their shelves are adequately stocked to prevent empty spaces, which can lead to lost sales and dissatisfied customers. On the other hand, overstocking results in surplus products, leading to waste, expired goods on the shelves, damage to their brand image, and unnecessary strain on their workforce.
The core problem here lies in a pervasive blind spot on shelves: the inability to accurately monitor stock levels and track expiration dates. This lack of visibility exacerbates these already substantial food waste challenges in the retail industry.
Founded by Santiago Guglielmetti, Santiago López Silveyra, Ivan Muñoz and Federico Broggi, WINIM is a powerful platform that enables real-time monitoring of stock and expiration dates through an effective inventory management and customizable solutions to handle surplus products, leading to accelerated sales and minimise waste.
If there’s any surplus, WINIM provides a customisable dashboard that can be seamlessly integrated into their e-commerce platform for sales, or a closed dashboard for donations, based on the customer’s preferences. This results in faster inventory turnover, higher value, and increased sales volume for our clients.
Tasmania, Australia: A Gateway for Change
Coming from South America, WINIM decided Australia would be the perfect spot to launch their expansion into the APAC region. Not only would they get to connect with both the Australian and Asian markets but there are also many similarities between the Australian and Argentinian food ecosystems that they can leverage.
Tasmania, Australia is like a miniature version of Argentina, with regards to what the land and region offer. So, if WINIM wants to prove that their solution has a fit in the Australian market, there's no better place than Tasmania.
Moreover, their system consists not only in tech but also in building bridges between the food businesses and charities. So, the stronger the community, the better their solution is.
Founder Santiago Guglielmetti has shared, “I believe it would be almost impossible to find a stronger sense of community than what I've seen in Launceston and the rest of Tassie. There's a huge entrepreneurial spirit. Everyone you talk to will have a suggestion or idea of how to improve your product, and that's uniquely valuable. From the events, we have got some of the biggest news features that we ever have released!”
Deep Values
WINIM is committed to reinventing how we manage waste in grocery stores and fostering a more sustainable future. Their goal is to minimise discarded food while improving businesses throughout Australia. Yet, while doing this, WINIM will optimise supply chains for retailers and ensure Australia's food security by redirecting surplus food to those in need. Then, with this, WINIM will expand their presence globally, starting with Australia and then to the APAC region and beyond.
Learn more about WINIM here.
Want to support the FoodTech Tasmania Community? Their Demo Day is coming up on the 16th of November, join us to hear the final pitches of the startups!
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