Meet TwoDots - Sports and EventTech Program 2022 Cohort

Ollie Howard
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Lindsay Hung, our Sports Marketing Intern, recently interviewed Matthew Martin, the co-founder and COO of TwoDots, previously my Fan Park.
Their platform is all about fan engagement, so we dove deep to get Matthews expert take on content and engagement in the sports and entertainment industry.
Matthew mentioned, starting off by addressing that content creation is only one side of the equation, content consumption on the other side.
And on the content consumption side there are three key issues:
- Content gets lost in the overwhelming noise in the social channels
- Content isn’t landing in front of the right fan audience
- Fan engagement isn’t maximising the true value of the fan
Currently, the ways in which fans receive and digest content is one-sided, predominantly coming from the content producer (that is the sporting body, sponsor or other entity producing and providing sport content). According to Matt, that stifles the engagement potential between creators (eg. sporting brands and athletes) and the consumers (eg. the die-hard fans).
So there's this huge missed opportunity here to fully immerse the fan in engaging content at every stage of their customer experience.
Their solution aims to address this issue. How?
TwoDots, helps sports teams, sponsors and businesses to fully maximise the value of their audience. Using their end-to-end SaaS solution they are essentially a “commercial engine powering personalised fan engagement”. The platform enables these large entities to integrate high impacting experiences into their own ecosystems and really own the fan data and fan journey.
Their goal is to turn passive spectators to active participants. So while the game is on the weekend, the fan engagement period and journey extends the rest of the week and TwoDots helps organisations capitalise on that opportunity.
Over the past few weeks in the program the team at TwoDots mentioned the mentors have been critical in their growth. Mentors have been able to extract the best out of the team and challenge their beliefs, value proposition and business model, iteration after iteration to produce a great product.
The critical question the mentors have asked has been “why” to help the team iterate and refine the value proposition into something truly special that will attract prospective partners and customers.
This was their goal all along really - to leverage and unlock smart relationships with large sporting bodies, investors and mentors. And over the past few weeks they’ve done just that!
Now, moving forward they’re looking to solidify the introductions they’re made to some key partners, brands and sporting bodies and even more so when they’re down in Australia for the final piece of the program.
Stay tuned for their arrival to Melbourne!
As the final question in the interview, we love to ask the startups their favourite sporting hero. Matthews was … hint= 🥊
If you want to be a mentor on the program or liked what Matthew had to say about the the world of sport entertainment and content.
You can get in touch with the team through their socials:
And also you can sign up to become a mentor here: