Global Sustainable Fintech Fund Launches in Melbourne to Accelerate 30 Fintech Startups.

Brian Collins
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<Melbourne, Tuesday 26th, April, 2022> - After building a successful fintech portfolio over the last 3 years of 27 companies worth $190M, Startupbootcamp (SBC) is launching the Sustainable Fintech Fund to invest in the top emerging sustainable fintech startups from around the world.
When it comes to building a sustainable future everything is interconnected. Transitioning to renewables and creating circular economies are only one part of the journey. Of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, 8 can be influenced by the financial industry.
Industry reports claim the Sustainable Finance industry will hit $30T USD in the next 5 years, and this opportunity is being seen by fintech founders around the world. Additionally, the choice for businesses of whether or not to be sustainable is being removed as regulators put more pressure on ESG and other metrics.
New sustainable fintech solutions can aid individuals with better access to finances and financial information to create a more inclusive society. For businesses, fintech startups can support, or disrupt, legacy systems as they transition towards sustainable business practices.
“The purpose of this fund is to invest and accelerate early stage fintech startups that are making a positive impact towards a sustainable future. With climate issues on the rise, and the focus directed at renewable energy and the circular economy, the role of our financial system in this puzzle cannot be ignored” said Brian Collins, Fintech Managing Director from Startupbootcamp Australia said.
Australian fintech entrepreneur and investor, Dom Pym, is a cornerstone investor. Dom said of the investment:
“Startupbootcamp has an international footprint, which can be critical for scale in fintech businesses operating in an increasingly global marketplace. This particular SBC fund is one of the first fintech funds we've come across with a dedicated sustainability lens, which is why our family office has increased our investment in SBC 10x for the Sustainable Fintech Fund.”
Startupbootcamp’s Sustainable Fintech Fund will support 30 for-profit startups over the next 3 years, accelerating the development of a sustainable future. Investment in the fund will close on the 31st May and the program will start with the first cohort of 10 startups in September.
Investors, startups and mentors wishing to take part on this journey can get involved by reaching out to Brian Collins, Fintech Managing Director.
Startupbootcamp, trading as ACH Australia Pty Ltd (ACN 619 574 542), is a corporate Authorised Representative (number 1294967) of JB Markets Pty Ltd, the holder of AFS Licence number 323182.
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