DNA Energy

DNA Energy

DNA Energy help their customers save money, improve ESG outcomes, create revenue streams and support the energy transition.

Company Details

Sydney, Australia
Not Fundraising

Management Team

Daniel Barber avatar

Daniel Barber

Co-Founder & CEO

Darren Cardy avatar

Darren Cardy

Co-Founder & CTO

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About DNA Energy

The problem we're solving:

Demand response in Commercial & Industrial applications has not been adopted because of deployment costs and complexity.

Our solution:

DNA Energy's unique wireless solution removes the deployment cost barrier. Our expertise and time in the market (the Founders have been doing demand response since 2015) solves the complexity issue.

Our differentiator:

There are no solutions like DNA Energy's in the market. The wireless nature of their system is a genuine Unique Selling Point.

Our biggest achievement:

Being validated by a CSIRO backed project was a huge achievement.